Wednesday, January 28, 2009

If you've missed Neen in Europe...

Then head over to The Sassy Sipper!

To chronicle my life in SF, I've started a new blog, The Sassy Sipper.

Head on over for some laughs, tips and random posts!



Thursday, August 7, 2008


hopefully you all will see this! If not i'll have to invite you to join it another way....i will add the photos to this site so you can purchase prints of us (haha) or comment on photos! Sit down and relax cus there are quite a few, and so far its only mine and half of sams! :) enjoy!!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Adios Europe!

After a fun night with our roomates here at the janky white tulip we are sad and excited to come home...mostly for mexican food (well at least clare and i are looking forward to that) we have had sooo much fun and have gotten so see and do so many things along the way that we probably never would have had a chance to do!!

Don't stop checking the blog....once we all get our hands on a computer we will send links to see the pictures we have accumulated...dont worry there will be TONS!!!

Thanks for reading throughout the trip!!

Until the next trip.... :)

neen & gang

Monday, August 4, 2008

Last Few Days!

Hello from Amsterdam....

we are here spending our last 2 days in a not-so lovely hostel haha...we had a good night last night at St.Christopher's Hostel and now at the White Tulip it is less than stellar haha....oh well...

more later on our lovely accommodations and our last adventures!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

In Bruge...

Hi All

Greetings from Bruges Belgium! Even though it has started to sprinkle a little, this town is so cute!!! We have gotten our fill of waffles, crêpes and panini's....Today we also visited a flemish art museum and a chocolate museum! There was actually a movie made about Bruges with Colin Farrell and Ralph Finnes called "In Bruge" haha...check it out if you want to see where we are! Unlike the cute town, our bunk has some mysterious and vicious roommates....katie and sams ankles have been eaten alive by some kind of bug! So don't worry we will head to the pharmacy to pick up some benadryl and other stuff for our various ailments....

Amsterdam tomorrow for the last leg of our trip!

Thursday, July 31, 2008


hello from the beautiful city of Brussels!!! this will be very short because the keyboard is ridiculous here!!!!!!! i had the best waffle today and the girls enjoyed frites, which originated in Belgium!

more tomorrow with a better keyboard!


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

When in Rome....


So our last day in Rome, and we really wish we weren't leaving Italy!! Yesterday we spent the day at the Vatican and saw some really cool stuff and visited St.Peters Basilica and San Pietro. We had a good lunch of pizza and anti pasto and headed off to another museum....well graveyard slash creepy place haha. I cant remember the name right now, but basically while digging up a church to build more they found 4000 bodies of monks and other royalty. ...but thats not it...they then took all the bones and made huge sculptures and designs out of them...sick. needless to say i was happy to walk out of there with all my bones intact! We came home for a short siesta and got ready for a night out in Rome...armed with Italian wine we had a good night in the city.

Today we visited the Colosseum and Palintine Hill. The Colosseum was by far our favorite part! It was huge and super cool to see that piece of Rome. Tonight we head to the Jewish Ghetto for dinner (don't worry it isn't the realll ghetto :) mmm cant wait!

Tomorrow we travel to Belgium....we are all a little sad to leave Italy though!

Glad to hear that everyone is ok from the quake! And p.s. UK hope you are feeling better, and that your surgery doesn't get in the way of your leopard swimsuit!
